Helping you get out of your head, into your body, and out of your own way so you can cultivate the life and relationships you love.

With your partner, with your kids, with your community.

Beginning with yourself.

What does that mean?

It means
finding our inner peace so the way we experience life can feel really frickin’ good. It really does get to feel like an empowering ease from within.

It does NOT mean staying ‘high vibe’ all the time or trying to force positivity down our throat.

It’s not even about getting out of our head completely.

It’s definitely not about staying in a robotic calm all the time.

It’s about being connected.

It’s creating better communication between our mind and our body so we can interpret the wisdom our physical cues are giving us. It’s learning how to experience, express, release and move through the myriad of emotions we all feel as simply being human, and having the courage to live this life tapped in to all there is to experience.

You know what feels empowering?

When all kinds of life happens...and you can feel it all and still be in your power.

It's being able to FEEL IT ALL and still feel safe and find your inner home. Your inner peace.

It feels incredible to be able to shift quickly from what used to cause anxiety and feverish busy-ness — or sometimes an internal shutdown to avoid conflict —to peacefulness.

Even better, to simply not register certain things on the stress-o-meter any longer.
They are dismissed without hesitation or feeling any kind of way about them. They just pass as a non-event.

Awareness and the pause are everything.

Learning how to B-R-E-A-T-H-E to support our body and our nervous system is life changing.

Life is life...and full of awe…and we get to tap into all of it with a bit of grace, an inner power and an inner peace.

Let’s be honest.

When we feel like we’re going to burst, are overwhelmed or feel like nothing is working out, we can’t show up like we want to.

We snap at those around us. We start to feel tired. Get sick. Feel confused. We get irritated at the smallest things and feel stuck. Smothered. Like we’re drowning.

We feel alone, burnt-out and in a rut. Frantically taking action but nothing’s changing.

We wear a badge honor for our self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Asking for help doesn’t even cross our mind as an option. Yet we feel stuck. Stuck in our relationships. Stuck in our job. Stuck in a life we don’t love.

Nothing’s wrong with us. Sometimes we’re trying to use our minds to address something that runs deeper. We just have a nervous system trying to protect us. We’re not even aware of options available to us because we are just trying to get through the day. The moment. Our bodies are responding to stressors strictly to survive. We are even celebrated for the maladaptive survival traits we’ve adopted that could actually be hijacking our peace.

Most of us are running on default. We’re relying on old programs that need an upgrade so our results are far from desired. We tend to live in our heads and have no clue how to move into our bodies and explore much needed shifts and awareness.

I’m able to help you see the blind spots, connect the dots and create connections where most people only see empty or scary spaces within. We disrupt the default chaos and YOU start to find the purpose of what’s going on. Then we use tools at your fingertips to move into a powerful space where you can thrive.

The goal isn’t feeling like we’re riding unicorns on rainbows every day. It’s anchoring an inner PEACE through all the ebbs and flows of life. Knowing we leave nothing on the table and we show up the best we know how in each moment.

Let’s BREAK THROUGH the feeling that nothing’s working and reignite clarity, courage and a newfound lightness so you can CONFIDENTLY and COURAGEOUSLY show up as the incredible soul you know you are. I’ll help you reach the breakthrough, and steer clear of the ruts along the way.

We deserve to be in relationships we love and living lives we are proud of.

It doesn’t have to take an eternity…it’s within a short reach. And yes, I sincerely believe you have what it takes to reach it.

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This is an example of how exercising the courage to acknowledge and feel our feelings can change everything.

Over 35 years of deep seeded pain have melted away. It’s amazing. I can talk about it [my past marriage] now without FEELING the pain. I’ve been given my life back so quickly! I knowingly breathe a new breath. I am eternally grateful, Jacquelyn.”


“Oh Jacquelyn. It was a powerful session! I really see a great strength in the work that you do. I’m so grateful that you are here doing it in the world! Thank you.

I have been receiving. It is a much different energy than I am used to. I am walking differently as well. I am feeling sexy again! I do feel some holding in the first chakra and I am just with it knowing that it is part of the integrative process. What a powerful technique! I really never knew the power of it.

Changing from being a complete giver to being able to receive as well, has been an adjustment. I seem to be handling it pretty well. I definitely have had my growth periods around self-love and I believe that they have been beneficial for me. Thank you so much. Much love.”


trust in the you of now 

I know it can feel like a huge challenge and a struggle.

Like we’re misunderstood. Or unseen. Or unheard. Yet we hold it all in.

What 4-letter “F” word causes the most chaos?


I’m FINE. It’s FINE. We’re FINE.
It can feel like a way to control a bubbling up of rage or sadness.
A way to steer clear of conflict at any cost.

Fine is a quick dam on a waterfall of tears, and rage, and u-n-r-e-l-e-n-t-i-n-g emotion. We know…if even a tiny crack is opened in that dam, we’d have to experience the tidal wave of emotion released.

And why in the world would we dare to do that?!? It may be more we can bear. We may get stuck there forever.

Fine can feel so much safer in the moment but can cause such long-lasting unwanted effects.

You are capable of being free from the anxiety, frustration and overwhelm.
The anger, the people pleasing and procrastination.

The lump in your throat when you want to speak up.

The pit in your stomach when you remember or face an experience.

The instant welling up with tears or burning inside every time something
reminds you of something, someone, somewhere.

When we think of these experiences, memories, people, places,
whether they were 30 years ago or 5 seconds ago, our senses communicate with our brain and our brain interprets it as us experiencing this event again, right now.

It believes we are in danger…right now…and wants to protect us.

We're in non-stop survival mode.

Our lives nowadays are riddled with experiences that keep our bodies on high alert.

The good news?

We don’t have to settle for fine. We were designed with exactly what we need to move through the challenging times. Many of us were simply unaware of the tools at our fingertips and guidance at hand.


Instead of our emotions feeling like a stifling gasp for air, tapping into our emotions can feel like the greatest exhale.


NO MORE BOTTLED UP EMOTION. Reduce anxiety, overwhelm, confusion and that heaviness inside and experience an exhale. We’ll dive into how to experience what you’re feeling and release what doesn’t serve you with simple evidence-based tools that can change your life.

The person you will speak to most often during your life is yourself. FEELINGS ARE CORE TO THAT COMMUNICATION. Learning how to overcome common barriers associated with them increases our sense of connection to ourselves and others.


It is possible to achieve the results we want consistently.

It is possible to regulate our nervous system and calm the chaos within.

It is possible.

You deserve to have peace and feel tapped in to all areas of your life!

Client Notes & Celebrations